You Never Know What's Going to Inspire Somebody

One of the joys of writing books is receiving feedback from readers.You never know what is going to resonate with someone, whether from a book or attending a seminar. This is why we at VeraSage use a variety of techniques to educate: from video clips, stories, and metaphors to case studies, examples, theories, etc.You just never know what is going to be an epiphany for someone.I remember a program Paul O'Byrne and I did in Orlando, Florida where at the end we showed a clip of Walt Disney's final days before he passed away. It's an incredibly moving scene, and one gentleman came up to us at the end of the program to say "You guys changed my life today. I've resolved to quit smoking."Walt had died from lung cancer—he was a chain smoker nearly his entire life. I would have never expected that reaction, since that's not why we showed the clip. But as they say, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.That said, Joel Ungar, CPA, recently wrote to me (and on his blog) about how he is re-reading The Firm of the Future.He said the following sentence from page 5 " going to have a deep impact on me":

No one enters the profession in order to bill the most hours.

The professions are a noble calling, providing the opportunity to serve and contribute to others, and make a difference in the world beyond one life.Despite this, the passion and morale in the profession—a leading indicator of the health and vitality of any calling—has been in decline for decades. We believe this is in part caused by the component in the old theory that says the road to success is paved with ever-higher billable hours.Indeed, no one enters the profession in order to bill the most hours. This theory—which is at the very core of the thinking of most professionals—is slowly eating away at the very sustenance of our calling.It is time to supplant it; and we suggest this not so you can make more money, but more of a difference in the lives of those important to you.VeraSage sounds a tocsin to our colleagues around the world in the hope you will join with us to restore the quality of life in the professions.Thanks for the feedback Joel, I'm glad that one sentence so resonated with you.

Ron Baker

Ron is a Founder of the VeraSage Institute and Radio talk-show host.

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