Senior Fellow Quoted in Two Industry Publications

Senior Fellow, Ed Kless, was recently quoted in two industry publications regarding project management and pricing.Channelpro magazine’s October issue contains an article entitled Cashing in on SaaS which includes the following paragraph:

If VARs charge by the hour, they negate their expertise—whether it is in a particular vertical or a set of applications—and this knowledge is the value they bring to an SMB, according to Kless. “Pricing, especially as it pertains to service or knowledge, does not come from cost,” he says. “Price comes from value. You cannot bill for knowledge by the hour. Your price has to take into account the value you are providing to a customer. I want our partners to get paid for what they know as opposed to what they did.”

More recently, in the Accounting Technology December 2007 issue in an article entitled Making Projects Behave, Ed is quoted as saying,

“Prescription without Diagnosis is malpractice, and if you sell a customer software without a project plan it’s prescription without diagnosis.”

The article includes a side bar tool developed by Ed on assessing project risk for a project from the provider’s perspectiveGreat stuff, Ed!


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