The Journal of Accountancy Publishes The First Top 100 Accounting Firm of the Future

I'm thrilled to announce the publication of my article "The Firm of the Future," which is now available on the Journal of Accountancy Web site.You can access the actual November issue print version of the article here.The article profiles four firms of the future, including the first ever Top 100 accounting firm, Kennedy and Coe, LLC.It also profiles three other firms, which will be familiar to our VeraSage readers: The Harrex Group in New Zealand, founded by VeraSage Senior Fellow Brendon Harrex.Mark Bailey & Co., Ltd., our Trailblazer firm from Reno, Nevada.Snyder & Co., from Ohio, one of our most recent Trailblazers.Congratulations to all of these firms for their pioneering spirit. We will be posting a more detailed case study from each firm in the future. Until then, we hope you enjoy their inspiring stories.Ideas, indeed, have consequences.

Ron Baker

Ron is a Founder of the VeraSage Institute and Radio talk-show host.

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